Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Easy Life

The ultimate test of successful living is underway. Summer has begun and i will try doing school. For those who are not accustom to life in the mid-west. Winters are terrible and last for 5 months. nothing happens in those 5 months. people cocoon. The ground thaws and people squeeze 12 months of fun and joy into 7 warm months and 2 hotter than hell months. Summer begins and with that I will try and tackle 2 classes at the local community college... also known as college of dupage... also known as the largest community college in the world... its true. But not to worry, I will precariously balance joyful living and productive school attending.

The joy of summer... the television has taken a break... and the wheat beers are flowing. My fun reading has increased.
I completed The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, and A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway, and currently reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides... I believe there has been an increase to my reading because I have decided I don't HAVE to watch conan o'brien show or Jimmey Kimmel Live and I'm not married and so I can have beers and read, followed by my nightly shower, followed by reading in bed. and the result is reading.
I am not on an anti-war kick... though I am not a fan of war... the first three books I read this summer are all more or less anti-war books. All three were absolutely gorgeous books and after each I took a day and marinated in the mind blowing literature I had the fortune of running into.
aside from that I plan on hitting up the local pool. seeing fun music shows in Chicago. and joining the local tennis club.... and hosting fantastic friends on their way through to Europe...

I encourage any of you experiencing the joy of reading my blog to please purchase tickets to Chicago and come visit me. we will have fun. i promise.


kcs said...

I told K I was going to visit you this summer. She said, not without her. She's not coming to see you this summer.

kcs said...

So who's Champ

Unknown said...

Get your shit done and come to CA!